
Passionate about writing

In memory and honor

Dr. Juris Zarins, renowned Middle Eastern archaeologist and professor emeritus at Missouri State University — whose 1992 discovery of the ancient city of Ubar drew international acclaim — passed away unexpectedly on July 8.

Why does this affect me?
During the years as an archaeology and museum consultant in Oman for the office of His Majesty the Sultan’s Advisor for Cultural Affairs, I met him briefly.

( click on thumbnails to enlarge the pictures )

But especially in my latest publication The Custodians I often refer to The Land of Incense, his book he wrote which is not an easy read but contains a huge amount of information, along with some articles about Al Baleed that he co-wrote with his wife Lynne S. Newton. The Museum of the Frankincense Land, Shisr/Ubar and Al Baleed are located in Dhofar in southern Oman and are Unesco World Heritage Sites.

13 thoughts on “In memory and honor

  1. C’est un bel hommage que vous avez écrit, Maria! Comme Jean d’Ormesson disait : “Il y a quelque chose de plus fort que la mort, c’est la présence des absents dans la mémoire des vivants.”

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