A flower grown with tears a collection of poems by 17-year-old Noya Teijssen, written between December 2022 and February 2023, reads like a diary. This first publication, which is also the author’s debut, invites you on her daring journey of intimate thoughts around aspects of love, friends, family, school, past, the future and herself, which she described on the back cover as ‘one of many teenagers struggling with life.’
At first glance, the poems read as if she’s on a roller coaster ride of hardship or some sort of struggle she’s growing through, ‘one’ of many teenagers searching for the colors in life. But her struggle, expressed in a very bold and intimate way, leads her to the Last Step, one of the many interesting titles she gave to her poems.
(click on thumbnail to enlarge the picture)
While she often shows us the dark sides of her mind, she also breaks through to clarity and wise understanding, as expressed, among others, in the bottom line of the poem entitled Rain and I quote:
only I myself
can save me
Noya Teijssen, 26/01/2023
A FLOWER GROWN WITH TEARS with a beautifully designed cover, to me at least expresses her search for the colors of life.
🪻🌷🪷🌼🌻🌺🌹🏵️ Hearty Congratulations to Noya!
Thanks for encouraging young writers…
brave..congratulations to her 🫶
Brave…it is..tx …
Gefeliciteerd! 🩷🍀
Félicitations Noya ! Que ton recueil de poèmes accompagne amicalement d’autres jeunes aux prises avec les mêmes incertitudes ! 🌼❤️
Un grand merci…
Moedig en krachtig van jou Noya om je innerlijke gedachten vorm te geven, hoe knap. Een sprekende cover van jou eerste boek. Een rups wordt een vlinder… 🦋💎❤️
Bedankt Inge…fijne woorden voor een jong talent…
Wijze woorden , mooi je kwetsbaarheid te tonen, goed om ons meer bewust te maken van wat er bij de jonge mensen leeft. Proficiat !
Noya a eu bien du courage d’écrire des textes si profonds et intimes alors qu’elle est encore si jeune! Bonne continuation à elle!