Review: “Astounding collection of facts that read like a train” (
Interview Muscat daily “The titles of the guide’s chapters are themes that conjure up images in my mind. For instance, through the chapter Bird’s Eye View, I let the birds tell the story of what they see when they are flying high in the sky. It stems from the thought that if I could fly high above the four geological landscapes that Dhofar offers I would see the same.” (Swati Hora- Dhofar- unabridged Muscat Daily)
Inside the DNA: In ‘Bird’s eye view’ for example in ‘On the wings of the birds,’ one can read that birds love Oman. For a birdwatcher, the bird life of the southern region is special. 30 species of birds are exclusively found here. 24 different birds call the magical desert, the Rub Al-Khali or the Empty Quarter their home.